The Importance of Consistent Content
Twice a year, for the last 5 years, the community at Savvy Sexy Social has participated in a vlogging challenge. We didn’t invent it. Actually it’s been a YouTube tradition for a long time. People who know about it count down to the big event, excited for what it might mean for them and their brand when it’s all said and done.
The challenge is called VEDA: Vlog Every Day in April/August.
Yes, you read that right.
If this challenge sounds crazy to you, it just might be. Vlogging every day — even if just for 30 days — is not for the uncertain. But even those who aren’t sure what their calling in vlogging might be still remain excited to participate when they discover it. Something about being held accountable by a challenge makes you want to be consistent. Even if you might not be able to hold yourself to that standard alone.
This is why my co-founder Vincenzo and I stood firm on the issue of consistency upon launching this company. The reason we create content on any level in any medium is to show up. Show up in search, social media, word of mouth, or anywhere at all. We are that accountability partner for our clients because we wouldn’t want to work with them if they didn’t see the huge advantages in meeting that challenge.
If you’re not consistent, your likelihood of showing up decreases dramatically. Not just because you don’t show up in a newsfeed due to algorithms that don’t know you well enough to give you a chance, but also because you aren’t showing up for the people who you want to trust you. Know, like and buy from you.
No matter how imperfect each piece of content you create is, it must arrive to the public. Everything is a learning experience as well as a touchpoint.
Choose the days of the week that you’re going to upload a video for your community so that they can walk away with more value and personal connection than before they arrived. But it’s not just for them. It’s for you.That deadline is your invitation to show up and improve regularly. Prove to yourself that you have the ability to be consistent so that your audience can prove they can be loyal to you right back. Show up for you.
You don’t have vlog every day this month like some brave souls are doing right now. But the challenge to be consistent with your content is a top priority.
How are you showing up for your community and your brand?